Steve Baskauf

former Data Science and Data Curation Specialist

Linked Open Data

Wikidata, RDF, JSON-LD


biodiversity informatics

TDWG standards development


data science education

Python, R, GitHub


Selected publications

Yanina V. Sica, Kate Ingenloff, Paula Zermoglio, Yi-Ming Gan, Peter Brenton, John Wieczorek, Wesley M. Hochachka, Zachary R. Kachian, Robert D. Stevenson, Anahita J. N. Kazem, Dmitry Schigel, Steven J. Baskauf, Tomomi Suwa, Robert Guralnick, Ramona L. Walls, Walter Jetz. 2024. Humboldt Extension Vocabulary List of Terms. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG).

Jakub W. Bubnicki, Ben Norton, Steven J. Baskauf, Tom Bruce, Francesca Cagnacci, Jim Casaer, Marcin Churski, Joris P.G.M. Cromsigt, Simone Dal Farra, Christian Fiderer, Tavis D. Forrester, Heidi Hendry, Marco Heurich, Tim R. Hofmeester, Patrick A. Jansen, Roland Kays, Dries P.J. Kuijper, Yorick Liefting, John D.C. Linnell, Matthew S Luskin, Christopher Mann, Tanja Milotic, Peggy Newman, Jürgen Niedballa, Damiano Oldoni, Federico Ossi, Tim Robertson, Francesco Rovero, Marcus Rowcliffe, Lorenzo Seidenari, Izabela Stachowicz, Dan Stowell, Mathias W. Tobler, John Wieczorek, Fridolin Zimmermann, Peter Desmet. 2023. Camtrap DP: An open standard for the FAIR exchange and archiving of camera trap data. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 2023.

Baskauf, Steven J. and Jessica K. Baskauf. 2023. Using the W3C Generating RDF from Tabular Data on the Web Recommendation to manage small Wikidata datasets. Semantic Web Journal 14:5-27.

Baskauf, Steven J., Jennifer C. Girón Duque, Matthew Nielsen, Niel S. Cobb, Randy Singer, Katja C. Seltmann, Zachary Kachian, Mervin Pérez, Donat Agosti, Anna M. L. Klompen. 2023. Implementation Experience Report for Controlled Vocabularies Used with the Audubon Core Terms subjectPart and subjectOrientation. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 7:e94188.

Groom, Quentin, Peter Desmet, Lien Reyserhove, Tim Adriaens, Damiano Oldoni, Sonia Vanderhoeven, Steven J. Baskauf, Arthur Chapman, Melodie McGeoch, Ramona Walls, John Wieczorek, John R. U. Wilson, Paula F. F. Zermoglio, Annie Simpson. 2019. Improving Darwin Core for research and management of alien species. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3:e38084.

Baskauf, Steven J., John Wieczorek, John Deck, and Campbell O. Webb. 2016. Lessons learned from adapting the Darwin Core vocabulary standard for use in RDF. Semantic Web Journal 7:617-627. (open access at

Baskauf, Steven J. and Campbell O. Webb. 2016. Darwin-SW: Darwin Core-based terms for expressing biodiversity data as RDF. Semantic Web Journal 7:629-243. (open access at

Recent presentations

Baskauf, Steve. February 13, 2025. Building a Global Knowledge Graph: The Semantic Web, Linked Data, and Wikidata. Bluffton University, Bluffton, OH. Feburary 13, 2025.

Baskauf, Steve. June 10, 2024. Recent advancements in the Audiovisual Core standard for biodiversity multimedia. Advances in Digital Media Workshop Series: Yale. New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Presentation slides:

Vivek, L., E. Clark, S.J. Baskauf, S. Xu, L. Gao, K. Nguyen, M. Goldin, K. Prasad, A. Miller, M.C. Topf, and A. Gelbard. 2024. Network Analysis of American Otolaryngologists. Triological Society Combined Sections Meeting, West Palm Beach, FL. January 26, 2024.

Baskauf, Steve. CommonsTool. LD4 Art and Design Affinity Group. Online. November 15, 2023. Presentation slides: Video link

Sica, Yanina V., Wesley M. Hochachka, Yi-Ming Gan, Kate Ingenloff, Dmitry Schigel, Robert D. Stevenson, Steven J. Baskauf, Peter Brenton, Anahita J. N. Kazem, John Wieczorek. 2023. Want to Describe and Share Biodiversity Inventory and Monitoring Data? The Humboldt Extension for Ecological Inventories Can Help! Biodiversity Information Standards Annual Meeting. Hobart, Australia. October 10, 2023.

Baskauf, Steve. TDWG Audiovisual Core Standard: Vocabularies for describing multimedia. Biological Data Standards Cluster - Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) meeting. Online. June 1, 2023.

Baskauf, Steve. Recent Developments in Biodiversity Informatics Standards: Describing the World Beyond Museum Collections. Austin Peay University (invited speaker). February 27, 2023.

Baskauf, S. Using VanderBot with wikibases. LD4 Wikibase Working Hour. Online. February 13, 2023. Presentation video:

Co-author graph

Explore Wikidata query from Scholia.

Co-author map

Explore Wikidata query from Scholia.

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Humboldt Extension for Ecological Inventories Published
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Camtrap DP paper published
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