Favorite winners of Hugo Award for Best Novel

Published: Feb 16, 2025 by Steve Baskauf

In May 2023, I finished reading all 71 of the winners of the the Hugo Award for Best Science Fiction or Fantasy novel. There were some fantastic books on that list and some real duds.

I decided it would be fun to write a blog post listing my favorites with a brief description of why I liked them. In the post, I list other five-star books from the list, as well as my list of the worst books to win the award. (Some of them were really awful!)

I’m currently close to finishing all of the Nebula Award winners, so expect some comments about them soon!

Read the blog post

To see all reviews that I wrote on the Hugo winners, visit my GoodReads books.


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Favorite winners of Hugo Award for Best Novel
Favorite winners of Hugo Award for Best Novel

In May 2023, I finished reading all 71 of the winners of the the Hugo Award for Best Science Fiction or Fantasy novel. There were some fantastic books on that list and some real duds.

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