Data science education

Lessons for Python, R, and GitHub

In my role as a Data Science and Data Curation Specialist at the Vanderbilt Libraries, I developed and presented workshops and lessons to help beginner and intermediale-level learners develop skills for coding and using technical tools. Those lessons were focused in three main areas: coding with Python and R, and using GitHub.


CodeGraph flow chart

Most lessons are organized around a self-paced system dubbed CodeGraf. Each CodeGraf lesson contains a series of short 3-6 minute instructional videos, supplemented with TLDR main points and code snippets. The lesson concludes with a set of exercises for practice. A user can work through lesson series as part of a synchronous class, or make their own path through the lessons asynchronously in the style of “choose your own adventure”.


Python logo

The following Python lesson series are available in the CodeGraf format:

I’ve also developed non-video materials for using Python for web scraping and interacting with APIs.

R and RStudio

R logo

The following R lesson series are available in the CodeGraf format:

GitHub logo

The following lesson series is available in the CodeGraf format:

Additional lessons without videos are available for: